Neurofeedback Brain Training

Neurofeedback training can be likened to holding up a mirror to your brain so that it can see itself and adjust accordingly. Sit back, relax, and heal with a Neurofeedback biofeedback session.

What is Neurofeedback Training?

Neurofeedback is a biofeedback that teaches self-control of brain functions by measuring a subject’s brain waves and providing a feedback signal. Neurofeedback monitors your brain for brainwave activity and provides immediate feedback through visual or audio cues.

How does it work? During your session, you will relax by listening to music or watching a movie played by our NeurOptimal® machine. While you are relaxing, the system will monitor your brain for changes in activity. When it senses these changes, it sends a signal back to the brain by making a small pause in the music or movie. Neurofeedback is safe for all ages, non-invasive, and no known side effects exist.

Neurofeedback can be used in conjunction with regular therapy.

Neurofeedback may be right for you if you experience any of the following…

  • PTSD

  • ADHD

  • Anger

  • Anxiety

  • Depressive episodes

  • Emotional dysregulation

  • Scattered attention and/or focus

If you have any questions about if neurofeedback training may be right for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

 Ready to get started?